PWR Custom Cooling

PWR employs an extensive Engineering and Design resource, assembled to compliment the state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.

Removing Design Burden

Removing the design burden with engineering and design input based on empirical data, simulations, and developed solutions.

Turn-key Cooling System Solutions

PWR handles everything from prototype design and simulation to manufacturing, testing, and volume production.

PWR's Value Add

Contributing engineering and design input based upon empirical performance date, simulation and developed design solutions.

In-house Calorific Wind Tunnel

Allowing PWR to build and test prototype heat exchangers, verifying performance and optimizing designs for confident project solutions.

PWR's Turn-key Custom Cooling Solutions

PWR can be engaged from the initial phases of any project to collaboratively define heat exchanger geometries and specifications based on a library of performance data. This approach ensures the design complements our manufacturing capability. Essentially, PWR provides turn-key cooling system solutions through an integrated engineering and design approach, covering prototype design, specification, simulation, manufacture, test verification, and volume production.

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